World’s oldest living person gives advice on how to live a long and happy life – Stay away from idiot people

Published January 27, 2023 | By

World's oldest living person gives advice on how to live a long and happy life - Stay away from idiot people NewsJive
Maria Branyas Morera. ( Screenshot Guinness World Records)

Spanish woman, Maria Branyas Morera, 115, is the world’s oldest living person according to Guinness World Records. She will in a month turn 116. With the help of her daughter, she shared her wisdom on Twitter, on what her view and recipe is, to live a long and healthy life. One of the ingriedients is to basically avoid idiots.

According to Morera the best method to live a long life, is “order, tranquillity, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”.

Morera was born in San Francisco, USA, on March 4, 1907. Just seven years before the start of World War One. She returned with her parents to Spain and Catalonia in 1915.

Morera has three children, 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

She says on Twitter that she never had any special diet. And in 2020 she fought off Covid-19 within a few days, after becoming infected a few weeks after celebrating her 113th birthday.

“Many people ask me what diet I follow to live so many years. I have always eaten little, but everything, and I have never followed any regime. I have not suffered from any illness or been through an operating room. I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics. And it is so important.”, said Morera.

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