Woman had a major orgasm to Tchaikovsky’s fifth symphony during a L.A. concert and moaned loudly in front of audience

Published May 3, 2023 | By NewsJive.com

Woman had a major orgasm to Tchaikovsky's fifth symphony during a L.A. concert and moaned loudly in front of audience NewsJive
Illustration image. The people on the pictures has nothing to do with the article. (Montage)

During a concert in Los Angeles on Friday, a woman in the audience is reported to have had a major orgasm as soon as the Russian compositor Tchaikovsky’s fifth symphony was accompanied.

The incident is said to have taken place in Walt Disney Concert Hall in the city in front of a full crowd according to the LA Times.

Several attendees have reported the incident on social media and posted recorded audios were the woman is being heard moaning in the audience.

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