Want to make your barber unemployed and save money? – This is how you can cut your own hair all by yourself with great results

Published December 20, 2022 | By NewsJive.com

Want to make your barber unemployed and save money? – This is how you can cut your own hair all by yourself with great results NewsJive
Illustration: How to cut your own hair. (Screenshot/Montage/Youtube)

Are your tired of going to the barber frequently and spending a lot of money with sometimes mediocre results? Then maybe it’s time for you to learn how to cut your own hair in a professional way.

Cutting your own hair is not that difficult as it seems. It can get little bit messy at home with all the hair lying around. But if you have the time and don’t mind cleaning up after the cutting sessions, you can save alot of money and get a great haircut.

What you have to do in the first place, is to invest in a hair trimmer. Preferably a cordless one and that is battery driven, but not necessary. The most important thing is that the trimmer is of good quality and it does not even have to be a expencive one with lots of fancy schmancy features.

Next, you need a scissor, a comb, a small hand-held mirror and one larger mirror preferably mounted on the wall. And then you are off to go.

Finally, what you need is practise to improve your technical skills. By watching this video you can get a lot of tips and inspiration from this guy, on how to get yourself a great haircut all by yourself.

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