This country appointed in “happiness report” as the best place in the world to live in 2022 – Has also the highest drug-related deaths among young people in Europe
Published January 7, 2023 | By

Finland was this year appointed as the best country in the world to live and prosper in, according to the annual “World Happiness Report 2022”. Meanwhile, it is reported that Finland has the highest drug-related deaths among young people in Europe. – It seems that someone is not telling the whole story here.
According to the “European Drug Report for 2022”, created by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Finland was at the top of the survey, showing that the country has he most drug-related deaths among people under 25 in proportion to its population.
The report could also reveal that drug users in Finland, die on average ten years younger compared to those in other EU countries, including Norway and Turkey. Finland has also a rate of five drug-related deaths per week, a country with a population of 5.6 million i total.
According to Statistics Finland, 287 people died from drugs in Finland in 2021, which was 29 more than in the previous year. In 2021, the number of drug-related deaths was higher than ever before in the measuring history, that is, since 2006. Deaths increased most in the age group 30 to 44.
In other reports, it is said that people in Finland under the age of 25, is having more increased problems with mental health in the society.
Why a well developed civilized hi-tech country like Finland, with a strong welfare system according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a country that is considered to be the “best place in the world to live in”, according to a “happinness report”, also has increasing drug-related deaths and mental problems among their youth, is first of all unclear, but it’s also noteworthy that something is not right in the society in relation to all the “happiness reports” coming out annually every year.
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