/ europe

Many women in line to have sex with celeb murderer Peter Madsen who was sentenced to life in prison for beheading and raping female journalist

UK: Queen’s Royal Guard kicking down some poor kid brutally who was in the way during a march – Seriously WTF!?

More young Europeans want to save the planet by making lifestyle changes by not having any children and stop eating meat

Ukrainian truck driver pushed into freezing water by migrant gang in Sweden and nearly dies – Video

Goldman Sachs claims AI could very soon replace 300 million jobs in the US and Europe

Thousands of Spanish men rush to make sexchanges since the new “Trans Law” was passed by feminist government

New “Burn the Quran” actions are planned in the UK by controversial politician – Calls the Quran “the whorebook” in a video

Much higher fines to pee into Amsterdam canals due to the inflation

Hungary issued arrest warrants for German Antifa members for alleged series of attacks on pedestrians in Budapest

Amsterdam to ban smoking cannabis in red-light district areas – Locals sick and tired of crazy tourists making a mess

France declares war on porn to protect minors – All porn consumers must now digitally identify themselves before visiting x-rated websites

Neurologist warns that while China protects its children from TikTok, Western children are being destroyed with developed addictions and functional impairments