

High demand for unvaccinated sperm among women – The market value is increasing

Senator warns that the US and the dollar is losing its superpower status very fast now and won’t have the ability to sanction other countries anymore

Goldman Sachs claims AI could very soon replace 300 million jobs in the US and Europe

Seymour Hersh says the true conflict between Russia and the US is about the power over gas and oil markets going back to WW2

US government sues Google for monopolizing digital advertising technologies

President of the Central bank says people shouldn’t take the bank’s financial forecasts seriously – Compares its credibility to weather forecasts

These professions will very soon disappear and be replaced by AI – “Software design jobs will be a thing of the past by 2026”

George Soros called for NATO to use Eastern Europeans in future conflicts to spare the lives of NATO troops in a 1993 “New World Order” statement