
Mullvad and Tor join forces and release a new powerful privacy-focused web browser with VPN – “We want to free the internet from mass surveillance”

Published April 6, 2023 | By

Mullvad and Tor join forces and release a new powerful privacy-focused web browser with VPN NewsJive
Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project. ( / montage)

Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project have joined forces and presented on Monday a release of a new powerful web browser called Mullvad Browser.

The new web browser is according to Mullvad, a privacy-focused web browser designed to be used with a “trustworthy VPN” instead of only using the Tor Network.

“We want to free the internet from mass surveillance and a VPN alone is not enough to achieve privacy,” said Jan Jonsson, CEO at Mullvad VPN, in a press release, and added: “There has been a gap in the market for those who want to run a privacy-focused browser as good as the Tor Project’s but with a VPN instead of the Tor Network.”

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Jonsson also wrote that “The mass surveillance of today is absurd.” Claiming that both commercial actors like the big tech companies as well as governments are highly involved in these activities.

According to Mullvad, the new web browser is an open source that is free of charge, and can be used without Mullvad VPN (although the combination is recommended). It is also supported across different platforms like Windows, MacOS, Linux etc, according to Mullvad.

The Mullvad Browser can be downloaded here:

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