
More and more 13-year-olds in Sweden offering themselves to kill people for free to the criminal gangs in the Swedish gang warfare

Published October 7, 2023 | By

More and more 13-year-olds in Sweden offering themselves to kill people for free to the criminal gangs in the Swedish gang warfare newsjive
Illustration image (Youtube)

Sweden is experience a major gang war all over the country, with shootings and bombings on daily basis, with lots o murders taking place every day. It is not only criminal adults that are being killed, even children and innocent people are being murdered just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The situation in the country is so bad, that even kids, as young as 13 years old, are offering themselves to kill for free for the criminal gangs, so they can earn some money and get social status in the criminal under world, according to Carin Götblad, police chief at Noa, National Operative Department,

“We have 13-year-olds who offer to carry out murders for free. We have seen examples of that in the chats”, Götblad told UNT newsagency. She also claimed that almost twice as many people aged 15–17 have been detained so far this year compared to the same period in 2022.

Götblad says the recrutiment of kids to the criminal environment is mainly taken place in so called “HVB-homes”, a type of care home for children from troublesome homes, that the Swedish state is sanctioning with the tax payers money.

The children are being contacted by the gangs via chats to carry out criminal missions. But lately the approach has also been the other way around according to Götblad, “The children themselves contact the criminal gangs.”

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