EU wants to protect “freedom of speech” by reducing freedom of speech – Twitter and Elon Musk gets a warning

Published January 24, 2023 | By

EU wants to protect freedom of speech by reducing freedom of speech – Twitter and Elon Musk gets a warning NewsJive
Elon Musk gets a warning from the EU and Věra Jourová about freedom of speech on Twitter. (Wikipedia / European Union montage)

The European Union Commission’s Vice-President for Values and Transparency from Czech Republic, Věra Jourová said earlier last week from the Power Elite meeting at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, that EU is the “protectors of freedom of speech”. But in the same time EU wants to reduce freedom of speech with new legislations, in particularly targeting Elon Musk and his takeover of Twitter where Musk introduced an almost full transparency and freedom of speech on the popular social media platform which is not popular among the EU heads.

“The time of the Wild West is over”, said Věra Jourová, clearly aiming at Elon Musk and Twitter, giving out a warning, that the platform would face heavy sanctions if it didn’t comply with the new EU legislation.

“So, after Mr Musk took over Twitter with his ‘freedom of speech absolutism,’ we are the protectors of freedom of speech as well”, said Jourová according to Euronews and went on: “But at the same time, we cannot accept, for instance, illegal content online and so on. So, our message was clear: we have rules which have to be complied with, otherwise there will be sanctions”.

Read also: US professor warns that America can go in the same anti free speech direction as Europe that imprisons people for “thought crimes”

What exactly defines “illegal content, is not clear. But it is said to be that type of content that according to EU could be classified as “disinformation” and “hate speech” among other things that doesn’t suit the political establishment in the European Union and its narrative.

How this this type of restrictions of freedom of speech combines with the principles of freedom of speech is not clear, but it sure sends out some orwellian newspeak vibes with a euphemistic language, telling people what they are not allowed to think and express, but in the same time claiming that they have “freedom of speech”.

The new EU legislation is expected to come into force later this year.

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