
Amsterdam to ban smoking cannabis in red-light district areas – Locals sick and tired of crazy tourists making a mess

Argentina fears invasion of 11,000 pregnant Russian women – Claiming the Mafia is involved

Nearly 5,000 children have been raped and sexually molested by Catholic priests in Portugal new investigation shows
The US urges citizens to leave Russia immediately

Woman got herself a “Brazilian butt lift” at the plastic surgeon – Turned out she had no money to pay with
US forces killed ISIS leader Bilal al-Sudani in a military raid

Married female cop fired after having sex with six male police officers – Now offered strip club job

Vatican investigates Covid-19 lockdown “sex party” orgies and multiple cases of sexual child abuse within its cathedrals

India will pass China in 2023 and become world’s most populous country – How will this impact on the environment and the “climate change”?

Los Angeles 17-year-old who ran over a mother and her baby with stolen car found murdered after have been shot

Gay couple molested their adopted sons and pimped them out to pedophile network

Swedish ISIS woman let ISIS fighters rape and beat her underaged daughters during many years

This country appointed in “happiness report” as the best place in the world to live in 2022 – Has also the highest drug-related deaths among young people in Europe