
Kanye West and Elon Musk blamed for an “increasingly normalized antisemitism” in the U.S.

More young Europeans want to save the planet by making lifestyle changes by not having any children and stop eating meat

Nike p*sses off feminists after they chose a LGBT trans influencer as their new face of its new women’s Sports bra instead of a biological born woman

This is why some farts are warmer than others – Expert explains

British counter-terrorism government organisation considers George Orwell’s book “1984” to be dangerous litterature

Iranian professor says women in West are treated like commodities living under fake freedoms

Neurologist warns that while China protects its children from TikTok, Western children are being destroyed with developed addictions and functional impairments

World’s oldest living person gives advice on how to live a long and happy life – Stay away from idiot people

EU permits using insects in the food – Will be used in pizza and pasta dishes

Major department store recommends not to wash women’s panties but instead air ventilate them to fight climate change

Yahoo News claims “Transgender men can get pregnant”

A self-proclaimed “TikTok influencer” thought she could cut in line to popular event because of her fame and being “obnoxiously beautiful”

Study – Popular celeb diet to get in shape turns out to be dangerous – Increases early death by 30%