Attorney General Denise George fired just days after lawsuit against JPMorgan Bank over Jeffrey Epstein case

Published January 3, 2023 | By

Attorney General Denise George fired just days after lawsuit against JPMorgan Bank over Jeffrey Epstein case NewsJive
Attorney General, Denise George fired after lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase, regarding the Epstein case. (Montage / Screenshot)

The US Virgin Islands Attorney General, Denise George, who filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase bank, for allegedly have financially benefited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking operations, has now been fired, just 3 days after she filed the lawsuit.

The official statement to Denise George’s termination, is that she allegedly had filed the lawsuit without getting a permission from the Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr. in advance.

Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan NewsJive
Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr. (Screenshot)

JPMorgan Chase Bank – said to be the “largest bank in the United States and the world’s largest bank by market capitalization” – is accused of having served as bankers for the late US oligarch and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, during a whole decade and financially benfiting from it. Despite of being aware of Epstein’s sex crime acitivities the whole time, by deliberately ignoring and “turning a blind eye” to what was going on Epstein’s private island, the so called “Pedophile Island” in the USVI, Little St. James during many years.

“Over more than a decade, JPMorgan clearly knew it was not complying with federal regulations in regard to Epstein-related accounts as evidenced by its too-little too-late efforts after Epstein was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges and shortly after his death, when JPMorgan belatedly complied with federal law”, according to the complaint.

The lawsuit also claims that JPMorgan “should have known about Epstein’s illegal activity and as part of its anti-money laundering procedures, should have reported their client to authorities”.

According to The Virgin Islands Consortium, inside sources familiar with the situation, claims that Governor Bryan had been “frustrated” with Denise George for sometime, and that her lawsuit against JPMorgan was the final straw.

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