
The Swedish oligarch Jacob Wallenberg says that Sweden hasn’t learned properly yet from the US that lobbyism and donations are what matters in politics

Published March 9, 2025 | By

The Swedish oligarch Jacob Wallenberg says that Sweden hasn't learned properly yet from the US that lobbyism and donations are what matters in politics - newsjivecom
Jacob Wallenberg.

During Donald Trump’s inauguration as the new president of the USA, Swedish company giants, Spotify and Ericsson, where the Swedish powerful oligarch Jacob Wallenberg is vice chairman, donated millions to the new Trump administration.

In an statement to SVT, Jacob Wallenberg commented the desicion to donate by saying, “you get close to the incoming administration, the ministers and the president, that’s when the talk starts,”. Wallenberg also added, “That’s where you want to be”, to basically get things done in a certain way.

Wallenberg, who’s also chairman of both the giant family controlled company, Investor, and the powerful lobby organization Svenskt Näringsliv, emphasizes that in the US it is important to be close to politics, but that “we in Sweden had not understood or accepted the approach”.

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